. Liyue Harbor The fishing spot near the Liyue Fishing Association offers Pufferfish. This is by and large an accurate assessment of its character as well: dull, slow, and lazy. Genshin Impact Related Guides. Pufferfish is a Fish material (item) in Genshin Impact 3. Out of the total 72 fishing locations in Genshin Impact, only five offer Pufferfish. Pufferfish are found in several different locations around Teyvat. . Table of Contents Basic Information Of The Item How To Get. They spawn in just a handful of locations, and players need to catch quite a few to get all of The Catch’s refinement materials. Genshin Impact Pufferfish Location. All five Pufferfish locations in Genshin Impact Cider Lake Cider Lake is easily the most popular fishing spot in Mondstadt, and seven fish types including. Bait used - False Worm BaitTimeline1). The Pufferfish is a three-star fish that you can catch in Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma. Rituo Island. It is one of many fish that you can find and catch in Genshin Impact. The location's exact name is Pearl Valley, and players can easily navigate to it as they just need to travel. So, the players need to farm them according to the situation. East of Koseki Village, Seirai Island. As we told you before, there are 5 locations that offer pufferfish in Genshin Impact. This fish will spawn at any in-game time. After catching all Pufferfish in a fishing spot, they spawn after 2-3 real-life days. Guide includes locations, how to farm, respawn time, & where to get Pufferfish. Description Round and short pelvic fins, a plump body, and a plain face make up most people’s first impression of the pufferfish. Pufferfish is a type of fish. Some locations have both Pufferfish types, but we recommend going to locations with just one type too. 8. It can be both found as Wildlife and as a pet for the Serenitea Pot. Genshin Impact offers. You'll need 10 Pufferfish, 10 Bitter Pufferfish, and 3 Raimei Angelfish to buy The Catch's refinement material. However, it does not have as many fishing locations as fish like the Medaka and its variants, so it is not the easiest to find. The other spot is located close to the Dawn. Dawn Winery. Region: Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma Bait: Fake Fly Bait or Glowgrass Bait Mondstadt Locations Cider Lake 2 Dawn Winery Liyue Locations Fort Hiraumi (East of Koseki Village) Players should keep in mind that Pufferfish in Genshin Impact will only spawn at Morning and Night. Guide includes locations, how to farm, respawn time, & where to get Pufferfish. Cider Lake, Dawn Winery, Liyue Harbor, Ritou, and Koseki Village are those five locations. Fishing System Guide. . Pufferfish Fishing Locations. Shore near Liyue harbor. They are cider lake, Dawn Winery, Liyue Harbor, Koeski Village, and Ritou. . There are five locations where a player can find a normal Pufferfish. Genshin Impact 2. One of the most easiest and reliable locations you will find the Pufferfish in Genshin Impact is Mondstadt. All Pufferfish Fish Locations - Genshin ImpactThe Pufferfish Fish can be found in Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma Regions. If you need your 40 Pufferfish, there are 40 fishing spots in Genshin Impact to claim your haul. There are five locations where a player can find a normal Pufferfish. This is by and large an accurate assessment of its character as well: dull, slow, and lazy. Mondstadt sports several locations, including south of Mondstadt and the lake near Dawn. 6 Pufferfish Genshin Impact locations. Cider lake, teleport to Springvale teleport waypoint for faster acess. . Pufferfish are one of the many new species in Genshin Impact. 8. Genshin Impact Pufferfish Locations. Once you have caught all the Pufferfish in your world, simply join a friend’s world and head to a fishing location to. Learn where to find Pufferfish, map. They aren't a guaranteed spawn however, and fans will need to travel the. Here are the prime fishing locations where players can encounter Pufferfish in the vast world of Genshin Impact: Springvale. Pufferfish can be obtained through fishing using Fake Fly Bait. Description Round and short pelvic fins, a plump body, and a plain face make up most people’s first impression of the pufferfish. Fort Hiraumi (East of Koseki Village) Players should keep in mind that Pufferfish in Genshin Impact will only spawn at Morning and Night. Pufferfish Genshin Impact All fish Farm Locations video. Teleport to Ridge Watch domain and walk north to reach this location fast. Fort Hiraumi (East of Koseki Village) Players should take note that Pufferfish in Genshin Impact only spawn during the morning and night cycles. Small island near Dawn Winery. Pufferfish locations in Genshin Impact and best fishing route Pufferfish is one of the hardest fish to get in Genshin Impact because of its limited fishing spots,. All Fishing System. However, only five of them offer pufferfish. After catching all. . One of them is located on the shore directly to the south of Mondstadt. This fish will spawn. Pufferfish and Bitter Pufferfish Koi are the kinds of fish that you would like to catch in Genshin Impact. Pufferfish can be obtained through fishing using Fake Fly Bait. Published Sep 21, 2021 For Genshin Impact fans looking to craft The Catch polearm quickly, here are the five different spawn points for Pufferfish across the map. One of these fishing spots is on the shore directly south of Mondstadt, while the other is on a small island southeast from Dawn Winery. Pufferfish All Farm Locations Genshin Impact game walkthrough. Map. It can be both found as Wildlife and as a pet for the Serenitea Pot. 1 has introduced much-waited fishing Gameplay. Here, you will have the opportunity to find these fishes in two different places. Table of Contents Basic Information Of The Item How To Get The Item All Materials / Items List & How To Get What Is Pufferfish? Fishes Respawn After 3 Days Pufferfish is a type of fish. Pufferfish locations in Genshin Impact and best fishing route Pufferfish is one of the hardest fish to get in Genshin Impact because of its limited fishing spots, unlike Medaka and. You can see Medaka bait and farm spot. Pufferfish is a Fish material (item) in Genshin Impact 3. Pufferfish is a Fish in Genshin Impact's Fishing System. . River to the east of Mondstadt city; River to the south of. Published Sep 21, 2021 For Genshin Impact fans looking to craft The Catch polearm quickly, here are the five different spawn points for Pufferfish across the map. Ritou, at the docks. In Liyue Harbor, the best. It is worth noting that the fish respawn rate is three days, and players must farm them accordingly. 1 item can be bought with Pufferfish from Kujirai Momiji: 1 Mail has Pufferfish as an. By the end of this guide, you will learn all the current pufferfish. Cider Lake, Dawn Winery, Liyue Harbor, Ritou, and Koseki Village are those five locations. Description. Fishing Association Items & Locations. However, players should know that the fish respawn rate in 3 days. This walkthrough is a guide to. Genshin Impact's Pufferfish can be a tricky fish to find, as they appear in several locations around the world of Teyvat. Liyue Harbor.